Your tutor

"Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things."

Flora Lewis

french class online
Charlotte Royer Bahja

Graduated with a Master, I have more than ten years of experience in the teaching of French as a foreign language, both in France and abroad.

Working in different places provided me with extensive experience and knowledge of various methodologies, textbooks and approaches to teaching. I created a lot of ressources for my students and different language academies. My experience has lead me to write a french book En route pour le fle thanks to the Ellipses’ edition.

en route pour le fle
En route pour le fle
french online

During my career, I created a lot of ressources to help students in their learning journey. Since 2014, I am specialized in teaching online offering live and direct classes but also creating interactive lessons and exercices.

Passionate with foreign languages and cultural exchanges, I consider that teaching french allows me, above all, to learn a lot about my own mother language but also gives me access to a new vision of the world. Thanks to my job, I had the opportunity to teach to students from all ages and from 15 different countries. My experiences in other countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Syria or Palestine) made me student of foreign languages too like spanish and arabic.

Concomitantly with teaching to student, I train future french teachers so that I can share my experience and skills.

Being a personal tutor online is one of the greatest experience because it makes me travel through my screen and meet very special people. I really enjoy this way of teaching and its advantages. I consider Internet as the best tool for communication for classes.

My methodology

Actually, i do not consider myself as a teacher but as a guide or a coach. I had the opportunity to work with more than 500 students and I can assure you that YOU make the best part of the job. You will have to work (hard) to succeed communicate fluently in french! I do not promise you will learn fast and easily but I do promise that you will learn and progress since the very first lesson. To learn a language is a journey through a whole culture and I am convinced it is a pleasure. Just get the motivation and I will lead you to the knowledges and savoir-faires.
You probably know you can not be an athlete or a musician without training. It is the same to be a speaker. Patience, constance and motivation are your tools to get it. Of course, I am here to cheer you up when you need it or to help you in any part you need. Do not hesitate to contact me for any doubt or question:

The learning program

In general, during the class, we work on the 4 main skills: oral and written comprension + oral and written expression but we use to focus on oral communication. After a (free) trial class, I build a personal training program that fits to your needs , your objectives and your way to learn.
During and after the class, I invite you to read and leisten uthentic documents (press articles, extracts from movies, songs, extract from novel, poems…)

I am proud to share with you some feedbacks I received from former students:

“Very helpful, very intuitive. I feel like I’m learning quickly aand enjoying it.
She pushes me to the limits of my ability. Lessons are truly addictive. Very professional with great instructional content.”

“Charlotte is a nice persone but what is more impotant she is a professional teacher. Everything gets clair and in general you get a lot of positive emotions during the lesson.”

“Very patient, committed and professional teacher. Above the expectations.
Charlotte speaks only French. I like it very much.”

“Brava!Charlotte is a nice persone but what is more impotant she is a professional teacher. Everything gets clair and in general you get a lot of positive emotions during the lesson.”

“Great teacher, parfait, super, parfait …  “

“I liked and enjoyed her class very much. She can lead a class and her student effectively.”

“Il y avait beaucoup d’occasion pour parler.”

“The conversation was interesting, but I would have preferred to go through more of the document and exercises.”

“Charlotte is amazing, very patient and very kind. i am very happy to be her student.”

“Charlotte really understands my needs and customises the lesson to the areas i need to focus more.she is really good and very pleasant to work with.”

“Tres bien.”


“Tres bien, et femme gentile.”

“Very good teacher. Motivated in what she does.”

“Charlotte is a good and really professional teacher: quite motivated and prepared. The only additional think that I would ask her is to be corrected more often on my pronunciation.”

“Great teacher.”

“Charlotte is great, and helps with all dimensions of the language :)”

“Merci encore, Madame ! Vous vous êtes, comme d’habitude, montrée très patiente envers moi et mon français bégayé pendant la leçon ; je appréciais beaucoup. Je ferai attention à ajouter plus de sentiments développés et de descriptions détaillés dans mes prochains récits oraux. Je vous laisse en vous souhaitant une très bonne fin de la semaine ! À bientôt !”

“She is very good, enthusiastic and caring with her passion for education and for the course material.”

“Merci beaucoup pour la leçon, Professeur ! J’ai appris beaucoup pendant la leçon, surtout sur l’aménagement d’une ville. La vidéo sur Le Corbusier m’a plu énormément. C’était merveilleux !A bientôt !”

“Excellent instructor!!! very demanding and always super informed about everything!!”

“Charlotte is a great teacher, classes with her are very interesting.”

She is a great teacher. It is a pleasure to learn French with her.Her classes are very interesting.

Great Class. Charlotte is a good teacher. I enjoyed and learned from the lesson a lot! Thanks

Super prepared, clear understanding, very patient, committed and professional teacher. Above the expectations.

Charlotter speaks only French and I enjoy it.

Très intéressant!

elle et très bon professeur. merci

amazing teacher

très bon professeur elle et parfaite. 

It was a very good class with Charlotte._Very helpful, very intuitive. I feel like I’m learning quickly aand enjoying it.

“She pushes me to the limits of my ability. Lessons are truly addictive. “

“Very professional with great instructional content.”

“She demands a great deal of focus and understanding on issues that are not easy to present. This pushes me to a higher level of expression and positioning within the subjects of the lesson. I always need to be on my A game with her because she is very acute and knows how to lead me to digreally deep for answers. “

“Today’s session was superb!!! I need more stars for my teachers. I can see that my level of understanding and knowledge of the culture will be raised to unimaginable levels. “

“Priceless lesson today regarding Argumentation! “

“Great explanation and later great application of knowledge learned. Thank you Charlotte!!!”

“Superb session. She pushed me to explain my position on certain topics that are not easy to explain because they are universal themes and require knowledge of the language. Very difficult topics but Charlotte is extremely patient and knows quite well how to steer the conversation to a point where I can develop my exchange. Corrects my mistakes and offers a great deal of options and variables in the conversation. “

“Very attentive to my mistakes and gives knowledgeable answers to my questions.”

“Professional and provides quick feedback. “

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